Qing Dynasty Ceramic Vase Salamander Bat Decoration

Qing Dynasty Ceramic Vase Salamander Bat Decoration

AGE: – Precise age uncertain – likely Qing Dynasty
HEIGHT: – 11cm
BASE DIAM: – 6cm
WEIGHT:– 500gms

A beautiful green crackled glaze Qing Dynasty Ceramic Vase Salamander Bat Decoration. For many centuries Salamanders and bats have been a common feature or motif used to decorate Chinese pottery, porcelain, furniture, carvings and paintings. This vase is decorated with a handle on each side depicting a salamander and a bee motif in the centre of each side.

The significance of the Salamander and the bat in Chinese mythology and folklore is rooted in the traits that each of these creatures possesses. In Chinese mythology the Salamander is associated with fire and the symbols of Yin and Yang are thought to have come from two Giant Salamanders harmoniously intertwined.

The Salamander is considered the world’s biggest Amphibian and is a relic from the dinosaur age. The largest Salamanders are found in the waters in and around China. Currently, these creatures are close to extinction due to loss of habitat and their use in Chinese medicine. The Salamander is also considered a delicacy in China.
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Antique Ceramic Vase Salamander Bat Decoration
Qing Dynasty Ceramic Vase Salamander Bat Decoration
beautiful green glazed Qing Dynasty Ceramic Vase Salamander Bat Decoration. Salamanders and bats are a common feature or motif used to decorate Chinese pottery, porcelain
Salamander decoration Qing Dynasty Green Glazed Vase
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Qing Dynasty Ceramic Vase Salamander Bat Decoration
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