Javanese straight Bladed Keris with Decorative Pendhok

Javanese straight Bladed Keris with Decorative Pendhok

AGE: – 18th – 19th Century
LENGTH: – 49cm
WEIGHT: 200gms

Javanese Straight Bladed Keris with Decorative Pendhok from East Java in Indonesia with a decorative plating on the sheath referred to as the Pendhok.The Pendhok is usually made from metals such as bronze, copper, brass, and silver, those made for royalty are sometimes made from gold with gemstones embedded into the design.

The decorative motifs on the pendhok is symbolic and incorporate a variety of motifs which include plants, animals, vegetation, birds or a geometric or floral design. The pendhok is sometimes made with a solid piece of metal with the design hammered into the metal or in a filigree form such as this pendhok showing a repetitious floral design in between a repeating peacock motif.
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Javanese straight Bladed Keris with Decorative Pendhok
Keris from Java with Peacock Motif on Pendhok
Javanese straight Bladed Keris with Decorative Pendhok
Javanese Straight Bladed Keris
Peacock motif on Pendhok of Javanese Keris
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Side 2 Blade view Javanese Keris
Blade view Indonesian Keris from Java
Side 2 Javanese Keris with Metal sheath
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