Indonesian Javanese Wavy Bladed Spearhead
AGE: – Unknown, but likely between 17th – 18th Century
BLADE LENGTH: – 31.5cm
WEIGHT: – 450 gms
This nine luk Traditional Indonesian Javanese Wavy Bladed Spearhead is accompanied by a wooden scabbard with a plaited ring around the top. The scabbard once had a pattern painted on the outside and is now worn with age. The Javanese spearhead is a small dagger-like tool that traditionally would have been attached to a shaft or grip, forming a weapon that was used for hunting, fishing, warfare, or ceremonial purposes. The spearhead has been used by various ethnic groups in Indonesia for centuries.
The spearhead, therefore, had multiple meanings and uses in Indonesia. It can be interpreted as a tool for survival, a weapon for liberation, or a symbol of solidarity. It can also be seen as a threat, a challenge, or a provocation. The spearhead reflects the diversity and complexity of Indonesia’s history and culture.
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The Javanese spear is one of the traditional weapons originating from the island of Java, Indonesia. Javanese spears have a characteristic in the form of curved or wavy spearheads, called luks. This spearhead is made with the iron folding technique, which is the same as the kris-making technique. The Iron folding technique is the process of joining several layers of iron by heating and forging them together, resulting in a beautiful and strong multi-layered appearance.
Javanese spears have existed since the time of Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms in Java, such as the Ancient Mataram Kingdom, Singhasari Kingdom, and Majapahit Kingdom which existed between the 8th to 10th centuries. Javanese spears were used as weapons of war or hunting, as well as ceremonial tools of custom and culture. The Javanese spear is often associated with spiritual and magical powers, as well as being a symbol of virility and honour.
Javanese spears have various types and names, depending on their shape, size, and decoration. Some examples of Javanese spear types are:
- Wengkon spear: A spear that has a wide and thick spearhead, with little or no weld. This spear is usually used to hunt large animals, such as elephants or rhinos.
- Spear Buntil Mayit: A spear that has a small and thin spearhead, with many sharp luks. This spear is usually used to stab opponents secretly, such as in guerrilla warfare or assassination.
- Kinatah Spear: A spear that has a spearhead decorated with gold or silver carvings in the form of flower and leaf motifs.A technique whereby thin gold or silver sheets are attached to the surface of the iron that has been made into grooves.
The Indonesian Wavy Bladed Javanese spear is a beautiful traditional weapon that reflects the rich culture and history of the Javanese people. Javanese spears deserve to be preserved and cherished as the nation’s cultural heritage.